Assignment 1

When on the internet, the three websites I find myself visiting most would be, and Craigslist and are such wonderful tools in finding employment opportunities and to see what is going on “out there.” Pandora is a site I visit purely for musical enjoyment. I love how you can just give it the name of an artist or song and it will play a variety of music from this example that you should also like. It opens me up to musicians and songs I would otherwise go unaware of.

In the field, I most see myself as a Designer/Web Designer. I love coming up with ideas and going through the process of bringing them to fruition. I love the “problem solving” aspect of design.

I just finished reading

Ten logo design tips from the field

on I like to hear what others consider the essentials of a good logo. My feelings have always been to make it as strong and simple as possible. Something that is easily recognizable and noticeable at the same time. The blog says that a logo doesn’t need to show what the company does in the design. I agree with this.

A feel a good logo should represent the company as simply and boldly as possible to the appropriateness of the company.

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1 Response to Assignment 1

  1. Jamie says:

    Hi Jennifer,

    I like that you brought up the problem solving aspect of design. Students who are new to design often think that it’s only about aesthetics but there is a very important problem solving component to good design. Most design (at least commercial design) needs to fulfill a functional goal. Thanks for this post!

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